A New Year, A New Start!

Yes, welcome back to The Entertainment Network (TEN) and a very Happy New Year to you all! Okay, we did say we'd be back on December the 30th, but the Holiday period is busy for us all, I'm sure you know, so we put back the launch for two more days. I hope you don't mind this inconvenience, it was to give us more time to our families, to our presents, and to our work, of course!

Now, I'm sure you're all waiting to get back and to start reading new episodes, but before that's possible, for anyone who wasn't here upon our first launch, we'll be re-running the previous episodes of our shows every week for everyone to get caught up, before launching into new episodes of your favorite shows! In fact, the Lara Croft Tomb Raider reruns have even be edited, so if you're a fan of the show, you might just want to go back and read it just for the added enjoyment of some more exploration! Don't worry, you won't have long to wait - for Gifted fans, there's five episodes to be rerun, before an all new seventeen are launched in the following weeks! For Allenwood fans, there are three episodes to be rerun, followed by nine more in the following weeks! For Charmed Reset Reality fans, there are six episodes to be rerun, before following on with the next sixteen and finally for Lara Croft Tomb Raider fans, there's four parts to be rerun, before the following five parts will be shown. All of the new episodes promise more exciting adventures and more life-threatening dangers then before, that will really want to get you reading and reviewing!

As for in the way of new shows for the brand new 2009, we're told that there's currently three new shows planned, two spin-off's of series' here! Can you guess which ones? As for the original show, it may not be so original after all, as it is an Anthology show, as is fittingly named so. Anthology will boast six episodes from different established verses as well as all new original ideas by different writers on the staffing team. There'll be an episode every two months, at the end of the month, and all through December, you, the readers, will be able to vote for your favorite, and the show will be picked up for a run in our 2010 season! We're told among the established series'-based shows are an Alternate Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Four, along the very same vein as our own Charmed Reset Reality, penned by Tom East, but the story was designed by him and Dave Kohler, and a Ghost Rider episode penned by Kohler. Among the original ideas are a parody episode by Daniel Taylor and another script by East, a twisted, narcissistic and mysterious look on his very own life, called Misery Business. The Buffy episode is up first, so check back at the end of the month to see how things go down for the gang! The previously mentioned spin-off's will run for four and six full-length episodes each, and will be announced once the show it is based on has finished it's current season run.

I also suppose you're looking for news on our much-awaited Audio Series Doctor Who Audio. Well, I'm going to treat you to some. The staff came to the decision that the pressure to produce eight half-hour length episodes in time to air this year was too high, and instead of letting down the expecting fans and taking away one of TEN's biggest drawing points, it would split the amount of audio episodes in two, meaning that there will be four episodes purely in audio format, and four episodes purely in script format. The script episodes will be necessary to still follow the story, so don't think just listening to the audio episodes will mean you know all there is to know! The series, now renamed to Doctor Who Tales to indicate the mix, is still expected to premiere with it's first audio episode, "Flashbang", in March, so we hope to see you all then!

And now to talk about the current crisis. No, TEN isn't having staff troubles. No, it's not the credit crunch crisis thing that people keep talking about, it's the so-called "Decline of the Virtual Series". There's only one way to "end" or "cure" this "crisis" and that's to read and review! If you find yourself with nothing to do, why don't you log on and just sit down with a nice script either in your hand or on your computer and a nice cup of coffee or tea (prefer coffee myself) and just relax, and once your done, give us your feedback so we can improve, and keep the community active. Your help is what we need to keep growing!

As always, we are looking for new shows for or new 2009 season, so if you've good that little grain of an idea in your head, why don't you post it, you never know what might become of it! And lets not forget the community boards! Pop in and have a little chat with us every once in a while - what do you like to watch or listen to? Recently been dumped and need to vent? Found yourself checked into rehab by your own parents? We'll talk about anything with you! And for those of you who have already done this, thank you and we are grateful for keeping our community alive! Want to do more to keep the community thriving? Well why don't you help us promote? Include links to TEN in your banners or signatures on other forums you go on, or create promotion pages on other sites, anything you do will help us!

That's all for now, so enjoy and thanks for checking in and heres the first episode of Gifted, rerun for your enjoyment!